Siapa yang tidak kenal aplikasi Adobe Photoshop?? Ya, Adobe Photoshop adalah aplikasi foto editor terpopuler di dunia, bahkan termasuk juga di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan Photoshop kamu dapat mengedit foto, memperbaiki kualitas foto, dan memanipulasi foto. Bahkan jika kamu ingin membuat karya vektor, aplikasi ini juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat vektor yang biasa disebut juga Vexel/Vector Pixel.
Bagi kamu yang ingin belajar Photoshop sampai ahli, kali ini aku akan membagikan paket video tutorial Adobe Photoshop CS5 yang sangat lengkap. Dalam video ini, kamu akan diberikan teknik menggunakan Photoshop CS5 dari tingkat dasar sampai tingkat expert/ahli.
Berikut ini adalah daftar lengkap video tutorial yang diberikan:
1. Introductions Are In Order
- Say Hello To Andy
- Andys Ten
- Taking A Spin Around The Interface
- The Macintosh Windows Connection
- Photoshop And The Raster Format
- Bit Depth And Image Information
- Whats Coming Next
2. Getting Ready To Work
- Chapter Intro
- Getting Started
- Setting Essential Preferences
- Setting Color Preferences
- Adjusting Menu Options
- Setting Keyboard Shortcuts
- Organizing Palettes Final
- Saving Workspaces
- Working With Screen Modes
- What We Covered
3. Working With Photoshop Images
- Chapter Intro
- Opening A Graphic
- Three’s A Crowd
- Adding File Information
- Tiling And Scrolling
- Using The Zoom Tool
- The Navigation Palette
- Using The Scroll Wheel To Zoom
- Images Conclusion
4. The Amazing Bridge
- Chapter Intro
- The Amazing Bridge
- Organizing Bridge Workspaces
- Manipulating Thumbnails
- Creating Favorites
- Rotating Rating And Labels
- Keywords And Collections
- Working With Keywords
- Manipulating Images
- Viewing Images With The Loupe
- Creating Metadata Templates
- Quicktips Working With Stacks-Bridge
- Quicktips Locating Forgotten Files-Bridge
- Quicktips Using Photoshop Tools In Bridge
- Quicktips Locating Potential Favorites
5. Cropping And Straightening
- Chapter Intro
- Working With The Cropping Tool Andrew
- Generating A Non-Destructive Crop
- Using Crop and Straighten
- Using The Ruler Tool To Straighten An Image
- Using The Crop Tool With Perspective
- Cropping Conclusion
6. Selection
- Chapter Intro
- Selection 101
- Softening Selections With Anti Aliasing
- Working With The Marquee Tools
- Working With Magic Wand And Quick Selection
- Using Grow, Similar, And Inverse
- Using Quick Selection Techniques
- Using The Lasso Tools
- Using Refine Edge
- Saving Selections
- Selection Conclusion
7. Working With Photoshop Text
- Chapter Intro
- Photoshop Text 101
- When To Rasterize A Text Layer
- Generating and Controlling Area Text
- Using The Warp Text Option
- Placing Text On A Vector Path
- Generating Wire Text
- Creating Folded Text
- Beveled Text, With A Twist
- Photoshop Text Conclusion
8. Working With Photoshop Brush Tools
- Chapter Intro
- Photoshop Brushes and Beyond
- The Color Replacement Brush Tool
- The Mixer Brush Tool
- Creating Customized Brushes
- The History Brush
- Working With History Snapshots
9. Layers
- Chapter Intro
- The Amazing Layers Panel
- Proper Layer Alignment
- Organizing Layers Into Groups
- Understanding Backgrounds And Layers
- Working Through Layer Options
- Layers And Stacking Order
- Merging Layers
- Creating A Non-Destructive Vignette
- Layers Conclusion
10. Layer Opacity And Blend Modes
- Chapter Intro
- Blending Modes 101
- Opacity Versus Fill
- Normal Blending Modes
- Darken Blending Modes
- Lighten Blending Modes
- Light Blending Modes
- Invert Blending Modes
- Color Blending Modes
- Using Brush Tool Blending Modes
- Blending Modes Conclusion
11. Working With Adjustment Layers
- Chapter Intro
- Basics Of Adjustment Layer
- Controlling Image Quality
- Working With Adjustment Layer Clipping Groups
- Using Adjustment Layer Masks
- Sharing Adjustment Layers
- Using Gradients With Adjustment Layer Masks
- Adjustment Levels Conclusion
12. Layer Styles
- Chapter Intro
- Layer Styles 101
- Generating A Drop Shadow Layer Style
- Creating A Layer Style Neon Sign
- Working With Bevel And Emboss
- Creating A Layer Style Glass Button
- Saving Customized Layer Styles
13. Masks And Alpha Channels
- Chapter Intro
- Masking 101
- Alpha Channels And Layer Masks
- Working With Edge Detection
- Using Masks For Exotic Borders
- Using Gradients With Masks
- Using Masks For Vignettes
14. Photoshop Filters
- Chapter Intro
- The Photoshop Filter Gallery
- Working With Smart Layers
- Artistic Filters and Fade Blending Mode
- Blur Filters, Blending Modes, and Alpha Channels
- Brush Stroke Filters and Custom Borders
- Distort Filters, and Displacement Maps
- Noise Filters, Photo Enhancement and Brush Metal
- Pixelate Filters, and Custom Backgrounds
- Render Filter, Artificial Fog, and Lens Flairs
- Sharpen Filters and Layer Masks
- Stylize Filters and Blending Modes
- Texture Filters
- Other Filter-Antiquing And Customized Filters
15. Image Size And Resolution
- Chapter Intro
- Resolution 101
- Working With The Image Size Command
- Defining Image Interpolation
- Working With Resampling
- The Ten Percent Rule
16. Replacing – Retouching – Editing
- Chapter Intro
- Controlling Red Eye
- Replacing Image Color
- Whitening Teeth
- Using The Healing Brush Tool
- Working With The Spot Healing Brush
- Correcting Large Defects With The Patch Tool
17. Basic Color Theory
- Chapter Intro
- Photoshop Color Settings
- Manual Monitor Calibration
- Spyder Monitor Calibration
- Creating A Neutral Workspace
- Adjusting Color Using Color Balance
- Fixing A Pesky Color Cast
- Use Fade Image, And Adjustment Layers
- Tinting With Hue and Saturation, And Layers
- Controlling Colors With Hue and Saturation
18. Color Correction
- Chapter Intro
- Color Correction With A Grayscale Wedge
- The Grayscale Trick Revealed
- Manual Color Correction With Levels
- A Peek At Color Correction With Curves
- Color Correction By The Numbers
- Color Correct Lesson Wrap Up
19. Shadows-Highlights-Midtones
- Chapter Intro
- Working With Brightness and Contrast
- Working With Luminance Blending
- Working With Photoshop Auto Features
- The Marvelous Histogram
- Color Correction With Levels
- A Peak At Using Curves
- Working With Layer Comps
- Using The Shadow Highlight Adjustment
20. Dodge And Burn
- Chapter Intro
- Working With Dodge And Burn
- Applying Dodge, Burn, And Sponge
- Advanced Dodge and Burn Techniques
- Dodge and Burn Using A Gradient
21. Converting To Black And White
- Chapter Intro
- Converting Images To Grayscale
- Grayscale Conversion Techniques
- Dodge and Burn With Blending Modes
- Aging An Image
22. Working With Camera Raw
- Chapter Intro
- Working Through Camera Raw Preferences
- The Camera Raw Plugin
- Determining Image White Point
- Basic Camera Raw Image Adjustments
- Image Sharpening and Noise Reduction
- Dealing With Chromatic Aberrations
- Applying Raw Settings To Multiple Images
- Open Options In Camera Raw
- Working With 16-Bit Raw Images In Photoshop
- Understanding The DNG Format
- Adjusting A Raw Image With Split Toning
- Using The Amazing Raw Adjustment Brush
- Controlling Exposure With The Graduated Filter
- Aging An Image In The Raw Plug-In
- Quicktips Removing Redeye In The Raw Plug-In
- Quicktips Resetting Raw Preferences
23. Levels
- Chapter Intro
- Accessing Adjustment Layers
- A Levels Primer
- Correct Color And Tone
- Working With Visible Clip Point
- Working With Adjustment Layer Masks
- Advanced Masking Techniques
- Bringing Life To An Old Image
- Levels Lesson Wrap Up
24. Working With Curves
- Chapter Intro
- Color Modes And Bit Depth
- Understanding Curves
- Basic Curves Color Adjustment
- Basic Camera Raw Image Adjustments
- Color Correction With Midtones
- Adding Saturation With Lab Color
- Adding Contrast And Applying A Mask
25. Actions And Batch Processing
- Chapter Intro
- Creating An Action
- Applying An Action To An Image
- Applying Actions To Multiple Images
- Creating Droplets
- Actions Wrap Up
26. Saving And Printing Photoshop Documents- Chapter Intro
- Saving Photoshop Files Based On Intent
- Soft Proofing A Photoshop Document
- Using The Zoomify Command
- Assigning A Profile To An Image
- Saving Images For Monitor Display
- Working With Save For Web and Devices
- Photoshop CS5 Course Wrap Up
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Semoga bermanfaat…
sama2 🙂
Sama aku juga lagi belajar corel, tapi sekarang gak fokus gara-gara jatuh cinta sama flat desain dan kayaknya AI enak banget walau di corel bisa juga.
Thanks mas bro, bisa buat rujukan ni tutorials selain dari linda soalnya lagi coba bikin tutorial yang bahasa indonesia.
wah,, sama mas,, aku juga masih belajar vector tapi pakai CorelDRAW.. hehehe 8D
iya.. salam juga untuk sahabat2 yang ada di Makassar :!!
untuk yang CS6 belum ada mas. 🙂
aku rasa video tutorial di atas sepertinya bisa juga dipraktekkan di CS6, Soalnya CS5 dan CS6 fitur2nya juga tidak berbeda jauh. 🙂
silahkan dipelajari videonya mas :-bd hehehe…. sama, aku juga pakai yang CS3, mas. 🙂
benar sekali, CS3 dan CS5 fiturnya tidak berbeda jauh, cuma ada sedikit penambahan beberapa fitur saja. 🙂
kebetulan saya lagi belajar vector pake adobe photosop….video ini bisa membatu saya mempelajarinya…trimakasih ya…keep happy blogging always…salam dari Makassar 🙂
CS 6 Ada ngak sob! kalo ada saya mau download!
Lumayan nih videonya buat belajar photoshop biar mahir mainnya, Saya cuma ngerti dikit tentang Photoshop ini. Saya sendiri masih pake CS3, tapi hanya sedikit perbedaannya sepertinya 😀
hehehe,, iya.. 😀 silahkan dicoba buat belajar gan :-bd
mantap lumayan buat belajar gan